Client Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to the Gem Webb Internet Marketing & Web Design Inc.(GEM WEBB Inc.) team. We created this privacy policy to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy and protecting your business information. This policy statement will explain how and why we collect personal information and how we protect the information with which you've entrusted us.

Why we collect personal and business information

GEM WEBB Inc. collects personal information to provide enhanced customer service. The information we gather helps us inform you of the latest products, services, and discounts GEM WEBB Inc. offers through email newsletters, printed materials and personal contacts. Occasionally, we may use your personal information to contact you regarding voluntary participation in customer surveys.

How we collect personal and business information

GEM WEBB Inc. collects personal information in several ways. We collect personal data when you fill out our client questionnaires or sign up for our customer email newsletter, when you contact us for GEM WEBB Inc. services and when you participate in online surveys. All personal information is stored in secure HTTPS databases.

When we disclose personal and business information

GEM WEBB Inc. does not share any personally identifiable information with any other businesses or organizations.

How we keep your information secure

GEM WEBB Inc. ensures the security of our customers' personal information through a number of physical, electronic and managerial safeguards. GEM WEBB IMWD uses industry-standard SSL encryption on all online electronic forms that require credit card information. This encryption ensures that your personal and business information is secure during all online transactions with GEM WEBB Inc..

We use Google Analytics on all our websites

GEM WEBB Inc. website and all client-designed websites use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to generate reports about website visitor traffic. Reports generated include, among other, information about the pages most visited, the time spent on site, the browser used, the language settings of the visitor's computer, etc. Note: This is information is anonymized does not allow us to personally identify web site visitors. Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting is always turned on.  GEM WEBB Inc. uses demographic and interest reports to better tailor our blog articles to our target market interests. Our visitors can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings. You can also opt-out of Google Analytics using the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. Your user data may be accessed and/or deleted by end users via My Activity.

Access to your personal and business information

You can access and update your personal data we have on file at any time by emailing or contacting us by telephone 519-387-9322.

When we collect other information

GEM WEBB Inc. does not require personal information to browse our website. However, our server uses industry-standard practices to keep track of where you go. We use this information to help us determine popular areas of our site and areas that need improvement.

Why did you receive an email from us?

If you received a mailing from us, (a) your email address is either listed with us as someone who has expressly shared this address to receive information in the future ("opt-in"), or (b) you have registered or purchased or otherwise have an existing relationship with us. We respect your time and attention by controlling the frequency of our mailings.

Privacy Policy changes

GEM WEBB Inc.'s privacy policy is subject to change at any time. Changes will be posted to this privacy policy statement. Please read this policy regularly for any changes.

This policy was updated on January 6, 2021.