Web Design Client Portfolio

Our websites are not glorified digital brochures - they are marketing machines that are working for our clients night and day bringing customers from search engines like Google. Our mandate is founded on education and to create results with a primary goal of helping our clients target markets find them more online. Our sites are structured around a visitors journey(awareness, consideration then to take action and make a decision), what we want them to do when they arrive at the website, learn more or take action by contacting, purchasing or even downloading. Whatever our clients business goals are we have the tactics and strategies to reach them.  Call us for a meeting about your website at 519-387-9322.

If you'd like to know more about our projects, feel free to explore our case studies section.

Now onboarding 2025 Facebook Ads, Google Ads & Website projects!

Contact us to get a spot in our development que as soon as possible to increase the time of going live with a new website.

WEB DESIGN CLIENT PORTFOLIO categorized by industry type

  1. https://soundlifestyles.ca/   Owen Sound Retirement
  2. https://highlandmarineservices.ca/  Ontario Marine Services
  3. https://www.sydenhamsportsmen.com Owen Sound Conservation
  4. https://petesautobody.ca/ Owen Sound Vehicle / Automotive Repair
  5. https://owensoundtowing.com/ Owen Sound Collison / Automotive Repair
  6. https://greatlakesconcrete.ca/ Owen Sound Industrial / Residential
  7. https://grahamconstruction.ca/ Grey Bruce Industrial / Building
  8. https://www.advancedaluminum.ca/ Meaford Home Renovation
  9. https://www.owensoundcofc.com/ Owen Sound Religion 
  10. https://homesteadresort.ca/  Durham Golfing
  11. https://louckslaw.ca/ Chesley Law Firm
  12. https://www.owensoundlawyers.com/ Owen Sound Law Firm
  13. https://mcleanlawyers.ca/ Chesley Law Firm
  14. https://www.watsonphillipslaw.ca/ Markdale Law Firm
  15. http://www.greybrucecollablaw.com Grey Bruce Law Firm Group
  16. http://www.ronfarrellmasonry.com Grey Bruce Industrial / Masonry
  17. http://underwoodconstruction.ca Grey Bruce Industrial 
  18. http://www.thebowlingalleyowensound.com Owen Sound Family / Residential 
  19. http://www.osgaragedoors.on.ca Owen Sound Industrial / Residential
  20. http://www.greybrucecremation.com Owen Sound Funeral
  21. http://becketttreeservice.ca Owen Sound Arbourist
  22. http://saugeenecdev.ca/ Southampton First Nation / Aboriginal 
  23. https://www.kenorus.com Southampton Campground / Accommodation
  24. https://countrygardenconcrete.com/ Bruce Peninsula Residential / Decore
  25. http://saugeenfirstnation.ca/ Southampton First Nation / Aboriginal 
  26. https://nawashhealth.ca/ Cape Croker First Nation / Aboriginal
  27. http://waterview.ca Wiarton Motel / Accommodation
  28. http://bearfootpark.ca Sauble Beach Cottages / Accommodation
  29. http://www.saublebeachcottagerentals.ca Sauble Beach Cottages / Accommodation
  30. https://www.hbyeconstruction.com Mount Forest Industrial / Building
  31. https://yorkregioncbt.com/ Vaughan Mental Health
  32. http://progressiveperformance.ca Toronto Fitness
  33. https://newwood.ca/ Ontario Home Renovations
  34. http://grbstorage.com Ontario Commercial / Schools


Graham Design & Construction wanted a new and improved modern website to feature their 4 Generations and over 100 years of construction service in Owen Sound. We implemented a content layout that was easy to navigate and explore, with added animations and optimized images across both desktop and mobile devices. They have a fully branded WordPress site that has an intuitive and visually attractive layout. Have a look at their projects area, for example: https://grahamconstruction.ca/all-projects/. If your business is looking for a new and improved website that will have increased exposure on Google using SEO techniques and fundamentals.

We’re excited to announce the launch of a modernized website for Highland Marine Services! 🎉 https://highlandmarineservices.ca/


✅ Sleek, user-friendly design showcasing their marine products and services
✅ Improved navigation for a seamless browsing experience
✅ Fully SEO-optimized to boost online visibility
✅ Integrated video content and large photo galleries to highlight their expertise
✅ Dynamic Lead Forms for client contacting
💥 And the best part? We hit the go-live target just in time for Highland Marine to showcase their new site at the 2025 Toronto Boat Show! ⛵️⚓️If you're in the marine industry and need a website and increased marketing exposure that works as hard as you do, reach out! 
It is our honour to create a modern website (desktop - tablet - cellphone friendly) that is website easy to navigate for The Alliance Lawyers, known for its various “alliances” of distinguished local #ownsound #greybruce lawyers that began around 1950. Have a look through their services and law firm career opportunities.

Peninsula Acres a Bruce County Farmers Market is located on the Bruce Peninsula just north of Wiarton. Joshua and Renee combine their individual dreams of growing, harvesting and farming and wanted an E-COMMERCE store online for people to browse and order their food and crafts. We added a Google Business Listing and some powerful SEO fundamentals.  The results were shown within a week when the client called us to thank us for the radically improved exposure they are getting.  Products are available year-round even when the clients are sleeping for purchase and pickup!

Peninsula Acres farmers market

What an interesting food-based website and Google Business project about healthy, free-roaming, grass-fed bison just as nature intended. Their animals are hormone free and are provided with year-round free choice minerals to ensure optimal health that provide an open experience for the bison, by using rotational grazing over 100 acres of plains. Snowy Creek farm is committed to contributing to the preservation of the iconic North American Bison by raising our bison as naturally and humanely as possible. We also strive to produce healthy, flavourful meat of high quality for you, the consumer.

Client Testimonial

law firm testimonial

Loucks and Loucks, Chesley law firm, released a new mobile-friendly website and social media marketing that is already increasing their website visits and local exposure across Grey Bruce. We decided to get more services focused for Google keyword rankings and work on content marketing for long-term organic traffic.

We are excited to announce the new design release August, 2021 of our Canadian not-for-profit client Badge of Life Canada website https://badgeoflifecanada.org/! After many dedicated hours, we went live and met our goal of providing website visitors with a more intuitive way to navigate trauma-informed resource-based content. If you know a first responder that could benefit from this information, please share this post with them as BOLC Empowers Canadian Public Safety Personnel and their families who are dealing with operational stress injuries, including post-traumatic stress and suicidal ideation, to achieve healthy living and post-traumatic growth.

Grey Bruce management of wildlife resources, as well as the future of hunting and fishing and many shooting & hunting sports pursuits; oh, and the reason we all get to experience the famous Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular!

The Church of Christ Owen Sound wanted a 2021 mobile optimized and more Google search findable website. What they got was even more with Youtube Live video streaming for Sunday services during our covid safe times towards their #owensound #greybruce worship congregation.

Preview another Grey Bruce client Elmer's Flighting Supply https://www.elmersflighting.com/ new and improved mobile-optimized also known as thumb-friendly website. A very interesting deep product catalog needed to be integrated featuring easy to search secondary navigations that loaded optimized images quickly. 

Client Testimonial

chiropractor testimonial

It's a big deal to open a new business anywhere with the intention of increasing business awareness.  Sound Chiropractic Wellness Clinic opened their doors in Owen Sound October 2018 with the owners choosing us to build their website as they knew we could get them found more on Google.  Since then they have already started getting Owen Sound Chiropractor keyword rankings + many more towards their top 20 keyword targets with monthly rankings getting better and better.  We now are running their Facebook Ads and posts expanding their brand across all Grey Bruce towns educating their target market on their services they offer.  We take huge pride in being a foundation to creating a successful business in Owen Sound with this newly married couple.

Vaughn based York Region CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) wanted a more modern style and optimized navigation and content structuring for website visitors while offering JaneApp scheduling and accounting purposes allowing clients to book free 15-min initial phone consultations with us through our website.  The final website product launched May 2020 was a home run with the clients showing improved Google search results within the first 3 weeks.

Polaris Spray Foam has run business for home and business insulation improvement/spray foam in Grey Bruce for many years and required a website finally to feature their services.  We went live in the middle of May, 2020 and can see Google finding them by many area terms.   For a new website release we are setting up a Google Ad campaign as Google rankings take time and summer is upon us for Polaris to make money with more leads.  The Google Ads campaign is going to launch by June 18, 2020, tracking all emails and phone calls coming from the ads - thus an ROI can be determined based on ad spend.

The Durrer Group came to us to improve their online exposure for Grey Bruce carpet cleaning services.   We took their Google results from page 5 to page 1 within 6 months of having a mobile-optimized WordPress site that has better page URL keyword focuses along with pages that are built to turn visitors into customers with call now buttons and contact us forms.  What started as a website contract evolved into our current Facebook Ads and Google Ads campaigns that have increased their sales and bookings well over what they're used to during the fall and early winter seasons.

Even during our global health issue, companies are still working on their business website and Internet marketing.  Preview the before/after of their new business mobile-optimized website for Meaford based Advanced Aluminum services for siding, seamless eaves troughs, soffit & fascia, windows, and doors. 

Client Testimonial

bowling alley testimonial

The Owen Sound Bowling Alley wanted to mobile optimize their old underperforming website to a 2018 keyword focused website.  We set up local Grey Bruce keywords with an easy to update website that has better submission forms for the client to receive a request for different services they offer.  The client is happy and left us a 5-star review you can read here.  Read more about our project together over the past 2 years for both website development, updating, and social media marketing across Grey Bruce. Oh, and last but not least, we added the new Facebook messenger chat so that interested customers with questions can get answers quickly!

Meaford Factory Outlet

The Meaford Factory Outlet client wanted an improved e-commerce products website that was easy to navigate on mobile devices.  Within 2 months we got a happy sign-off and the website traffic is still rising week to week.  We even added an easy to update PDF flyer download section for their specials.  Since launch, we now manage their Facebook posts, Facebooks Ads and Instagram account growing their business exposure day to day that is translating into my calls and store walk-ins! Oh, and last but not least, we added the new Facebook messenger chat so that interested customers with questions can get answers quickly!

Meaford Web Design
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It was a pleasure to work with the new owners of the Waterview on the Bay.  This prestigious base of the Bruce Peninsula Motel has been serving up great accommodations for decades.  We designed the site to be easy to search on mobile devices for different types of rooms as many tourists to Bruce County look for a place to stay when they get here.  After integrating Trip Advisor rating widget and booking calendar and various blog posts for increased search rankings, we released the new website with 200% increase in traffic already this year.

Sauble Beach is one of the highest visited locations in Bruce County as a top tourism asset, right next to the Bruce Peninsula National Park and Tobermory.  It was very important to get the page 1 rankings for all of the client's cottage listings that is mobile friendly and now offers an advanced search widget to make it easy for accommodation focused customers to find what they are looking for.  The client is extremely happy with all the traffic and the easy to use booking availability calendar.

Having an online Canada bird feeder store that works well for customer checkout process is so important for sales.  We use the top WordPress plugin for e-commerce transactions named Woocommerce that connects with Paypal and credit card processing.  We must mention that we also set up a special shipping functionality to take this clients processing to their wish-list level!  The client was so happy they gave us this testimonial making our job so satisfying. The client left us a 5-star review you can read here about how she couldnot be happier with the results.

Woocommerce WordPress Store web site

Cape Croker Health Centre promotes healthy lifestyles that strive to reflect the spirit of Neyaashiinigmiing. The services of the health centre are available to all Chippewas of Nawash residents and band membership.

first nation health centre website
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Collaborative Family Law group serving Grey Bruce offers a process for working out the legal issues involved in a separation, without going to court.

Ontario Engineering Company

ontario engineering company web design
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The Economic Development Department's mission is to actively seek,  promote,  and secure economic initiatives that will enhance the quality of life for a prosperous First Nations Community.

A talented CNC machining custom design and manufacturing shop/studio producing custom creations, business signage & architectural works.

Owen Sound Bed & Breakfast

Owen Sound B&B web design

Internet Marketing Clients

Internet marketing is always wrapped in a brand, has a reason and a season for everything.  While other Owen Sound, Ontario Agencies try to sell you  one-size-fits-all marketing packages, our team digs in to create a customized marketing plan that will reach your desired target market that will speak to their needs and wants. Our integrated marketing campaigns can be as complex or as simple as your require offering Pay Per click marketing on Facebook and Google Adwords to SEO Audits and website fixing, social media marketing, written copywriting, campaign reporting, branded graphic design to engaging creative campaigns.

Ready to Get Started?

Ready to Get Started?

Send us a message and tell us a bit about yourself and what you're looking to accomplish and we'll follow up with you!